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Kort Beretning om den Comet-Stierne som sig om Morgenen fra Klock 3 til 5 her udi disse Lande mod Sydost haffver ladet see, udi dette Aar 1661.

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          <note resp="">This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see</note>
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				<note resp="">This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see</note>
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